Let’s connect

I’m really enjoying using Nourishly to connect with my clients and I’ve had great feedback from those who enjoy tracking their meals, exercise, thoughts and feelings. Accountability is one of the main reasons my clients choose to work with me. Connecting on an app like this provides exactly that as I check in daily, to see how each of my clients are doing. They post photos of their meals and let me know how they’re feeling around meal times. Becoming more mindful of our choices, behaviour, hunger, satiety and environment are a huge part of success in reaching our goals.

I recommend using behavioural tracking over macronutrient tracking. Learning about macronutrients can be useful but it’s only one piece of the proverbial pie. Many of my clients are highly educated in the world of ‘macros’ thanks to apps like MyFitnessPal but come to me feeling exhausted. Exhausted from the constant, crazy-making thoughts around calories, protein, fats, carbohydrates and whether they have hit their targets or not. It’s no way to live and it often fails to deliver the results it promises anyway. This is due to the fact…we’re human! Our bodies know instinctively what they need. Our innate drive for survival will in most cases, result in the sourcing of missing nutrients, one way or another. Unfortunately, deprivation often leads to overcompensation – binge-eating. The damaging effect on mental health that this brings is a hot topic in nutrition.

So I encourage you to download the Nourishly app for free https://www.nourishly.eu/ and start working on behavioural change for a happy, healthy and successful year.

You can find more information about my packages which include connecting on the app here https://www.thesportsnutritioncoach.com/remote-sessions/

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