The importance of water

As little as 1 % dehydration affects energy and performance. I always stress the importance of water to my clients above everything. It’s crucial to health and assists with fat burning, the latter often being the biggest motivating factor to get my clients drinking more water.


  • When you’re properly hydrated your energy is lifted so before you go reaching for caffeine or sugar to boost your energy, simply drink a glass of water and see how you feel. A headache is a telltale sign you’ve let your hydration level slip too far.
  • Water makes your skin glow and plumps up cells by moisturising from the inside out. Skin looks dull and puffy when you’re dehydrated and that’s just not a good look!
  • Water helps with appetite control. Often we confuse hunger with thirst so next time you’re feeling a bit peckish but you know it’s not long been since you’ve eaten, drink a glass of water and then reassess that hunger.
  • Water helps your kidneys to flush out toxins. The kidneys perform an excellent job as long as you provide the water they need to do the job. You know when you’re drinking enough if your urine flows freely, is light in colour and is odourless.
  • Water prevents constipation by keeping things moving. An adequate amount of fibre in your diet assists this and with water volumising the fibre, it acts like a brush through your intestines to clear waste efficiently.


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