Rhythmic Nutrition


Learn to use the key principles of rhythmic nutrition to your greatest advantage, and the benefits for your mind and body will be immediate. Incorporate these key rhythmic strategies into your life: eating regularly, balancing your macronutrients at meals and snacks and plan the time and size of your meals.

Eat regularly

Make eating a predictable part of your daily flow. This is the key to unlocking the metabolic power of rhythm and be sure to never skip meals. Each evening plan your menus and your meal times for the next day. Look at your schedule and see what adjustments you need to make to create time for three solid eating experiences each day. Do you need to wake up a little earlier to have a sit-down breakfast? What needs to happen at home or work so you can have a relaxed lunch?

Balance macronutrients at meals


Ask yourself; where’s the healthy protein and fat? Let these two macronutrients be at the centre of your first meal of the day. Make sure you include one of these choices in your breakfast:

  • organic peanut butter or almond butter
  • whole free-range eggs
  • organic natural yoghurt or cottage cheese with some nuts and seeds
  • fish or smoked fish

Include a slice of quality whole-grain or rye bread and/or fresh fruit as you desire. If you want cereal use organic natural muesli or porridge but have it with some nuts and seeds or with nut butter or yoghurt. Breakfast is not a time to count calories. Your body will preferentially burn whatever you eat in the morning. That’s a metabolic law. You don’t need to eliminate carbohydrates,  just making them a side dish when you want them, not the main course. As far as portions go, eat an amount that leaves you satisfied but not tired and full. Trust your choices.


The same basic principles apply. Once again ask yourself; where’s the healthy protein and fat? Have one of the following at the centre of your lunch; any fish (fresh or smoked, canned as a third choice), tofu, beans, organic eggs, free-range chicken or turkey. Have any of these with a salad and a good quality olive oil if you need it. Use bread, rice or potatoes only when you must. Make them a side dish. As with breakfast, lunch is not a time to calorie count. Just find your natural appetite and enjoy it.


This is the meal where you have the greatest flexibility for macronutrient proportions. You don’t need a meal dense in the slow-burning calories from fat and protein because the bulk of your energy needs have already been met for the day. Your calorie burning metabolism is winding down. Listen to what your body is calling for. Even though this is the only meal to consider portion controlling, don’t short change yourself on healthy fat. If you have a salad, use a gourmet olive oil. Oftentimes you’ll end up eating more food or carbohydrates than you need to if your body didn’t get the fat it desired, and required, earlier in the day.

Plan the time and size of your meals

Experiment with having a more substantial breakfast, make lunch your biggest meal and your dinner light. Timing is everything. Have your breakfast somewhere in the 6:30 to 9am range. Have your lunch between 12 and 1:30pm. This is your peak metabolic time slot. Eat dinner approximately 4-5 hours before bedtime. Exercise later in the evening will enhance digestion.

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