Happy new year

It was pointed out to me today by my client and friend, Dawn that I don’t put many pictures of myself on my blog or social media. It’s true I don’t. I’ve never been one for the spotlight but I practice what I preach and I feel the benefits every day in my energy, my body and my overall wellbeing so it makes sense, and I’m glad I’ve been given a push, to put up a photo to show this.


True nourishment of the body strengthens our mind, our resilience to stress and our ability to stay consistent. It hasn’t always been easy. It’s been a bumpy ride to get to this place but I’ve learned through consistency and a commitment to choosing foods that I know are benefitting me, that it’s truly possible to wake up every day full of energy and zest for life.

I’m passionate about helping others to enjoy a clean and healthy diet and I’ll do whatever it takes to help them achieve it. It’s not just the unhealthy food we eat but how we think that sabotages our best efforts.

For this reason, 2017 is my year for focussed study in the field of psychology. I’ve fallen into this through countless conversations with my clients on what’s holding them back and in the process learned so much about myself and others. So here’s to getting qualified and the opportunities that will bring!

Happy new year everyone. May 2017 be the year of realising your dreams.

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