Flax seeds

Flax seeds are becoming known as a powerful super food. They are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which is a type of plant derived omega-3 fatty acid that is beneficial for cardiovascular health and reducing cholesterol.

Omega-3 is a natural anti-inflammatory which is helpful in the recovery process following exercise. Omega 3 fatty acids are considered to be good fats. They are important to our health, but cannot be produced by our body. Flax seeds are especially beneficial for people with inflammatory conditions such as Crohn’s disease and arthritis.

Flax seeds contain mucilage, soluble and insoluble fibre that decreases irritation and promotes healing of the intestinal system important for bowel health and to reduce the risk of cancer.

Flax seeds are the richest plant source of lignans that have powerful antioxidant properties and help fight free radical damage in the body. As a byproduct of exercise, free radicals are released. Flax seeds provide an excellent clean-up job.

Ground flax seeds are easier to digest and release more nutritional value. Add 1-2 tablespoons to your porridge, muesli, yoghurt or smoothie for maximum benefit.

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