The benefits of pumpkin seeds


Pumpkin seeds are amazing. I eat them almost every day, sprinkled on porridge or as a snack. They are rich in essential fats, antioxidants and fibre. Even my kitten, Binky likes them which is rather odd!


They are a particularly good source of  magnesium, just a quarter of a cup provides nearly 50% of your RDA for this essential mineral, important for proper muscle function, bone formation, relaxation of blood vessels and bowel function.

They are rich in zinc which is important for immunity, sleep, mood, eye and skin health, insulin regulation and male sexual function. Although they feature in most of my client’s nutrition plans due to their exceptional health benefits, they are a particular focus in the plans I write for couples trying to conceive.

It is estimated that up to 80% of people are deficient in zinc and deficiency is associated with increased colds and flu, chronic fatigue, depression, acne, low birth weight babies and learning problems.

In order to preserve the nutrients in pumpkin seeds, it is best to eat them raw. If you eat a small handful with some low sugar fruit such as a handful of berries a few hours before bed, they can promote restful sleep due to the high concentration of tryptophan, an amino acid that your body converts to serotonin and then in turn  to melatonin, a hormone we release which prepares us for sleep.

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